
The Gift Of Reading

Posted in Discipleship | 4 Comments

It was another Grandma day.
I picked up my oldest granddaughter from school at noon.
She is in kindergarten and goes half day, three days a week, and all day, the other two days.
She ran out of school and gave me a big hug, which of course, warmed my heart.

I had a little snack ready for her in the car.
I was driving her back to our house so she could have lunch with Grandma and Pop-Pop.
I always let her choose the music we listen to as we drive.
This day, she wanted to talk, and talk she did…all the way home.

I heard that they didn’t have recess that day because it was too wet from the melting snow.
I heard about the reading corner in her classroom and what books she finds there.
I heard about the book her mommy is reading to her.
I not only heard about the book, I heard the entire plot as we drove along.

She named her friends; a few I saw in the parking lot as they said goodbye to each other.
She told me how she was able to pick something from the prize box that day.
She told me that she said her Bible verse and proceeded to say it to me as well.
By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. (John 13:35)

We talked about what that verse means.
I heard her 5 1/2 year old thoughts, about being kind when someone isn’t kind to you.
She was surprised that even Grandma has to love, even when it is hard.
She seemed glad that even Grandma has to struggle with that from time to time.

After lunch with Pop-Pop, we read some books that she chose from Grandma’s library.
One book is quite old, since it belonged to me when I was a little girl.
It is well loved and taped in many places.
She loves the story as much as I did when I was her age.

The last book we read, had a vocabulary list in the back.
She read every word I pointed to, being unsure of only two, which she sounded out.
I told her how very proud I am of her.
I told her how exciting it is that she is reading.

Her Mommy was a second grade teacher for ten years before she got married.
Her Mommy is now at home with her four children.
She is teaching them, and reading to them, and filling their little hearts with language.
The benefits of reading to a child is vast and sets them up to be lifelong learners.

I thought of the Old Deluder Satan Act.

Massachusetts passed the Old Deluder Satan Act in 1647, laying the basis for public schools in America. The Puritans valued literacy highly; they believed all individuals should be able to read and interpret the Bible for themselves.

When children read, they are able to read God’s Word for themselves.
Encouraging them to read good books, helps them learn to think critically.
Children should also learn to read and write in Cursive.
By learning Cursive, they will be able to read our founding documents.

It may be a simple vocabulary list today, but it will be classic literature tomorrow.
It will be library books on a bedside table.
It will be discussions about what they are reading and questions about new ideas.
What a gift we give our children when we give them the gift of reading.

They will always be able to use their imagination.
They will never be without a friend when they have a good book.
They will always be able to investigate and research various topics.
They will be able to learn anything just by reading.

A book is a gift you can open again and again. (Garrison Keillor)
Some books are so familiar that reading them is like being home again. (Louisa May Alcott)
You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me. (C.S. Lewis)
I kept always two books in my pocket, one to read, one to write in. (Robert Louis Stevenson)

I would much rather see a child (or an adult) with a book than a screened device.
Let’s encourage the children in our life to read by giving them good books to read.
Children must learn to be readers and writers in order to communicate well.
It really matters and it is never too late to begin.

Whispers of His Movement and Whispers in Verse books are now available in paperback and e-book!


4 responses to “The Gift Of Reading”

  1. So true, Gina! I agree and know from my own life how important books are. I’m sad to see so many people on ‘screens’; there is something so personal about holding a real book, turning the pages to see what’s next. My parents loved reading and I guess passed that love to me. I tried to do the same to my girls. And on it goes…I see the love of books in my great-grands as well.
    When you mentioned cursive writing I would add that it encourages creativity; I’m sorry it isn’t being taught so much in schools now. My granddaughter who home schools has taught her boys cursive however!

    • Sue, how wonderful that you continued your parents legacy to your children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. Thank you for making me aware of another benefit of cursive writing: encouraging creativity.

    • Thanks, Sherie. You know how much I love books and reading! It really is never too late to begin a reading life!

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