
Encouragement On The Sidelines

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It was a full weekend of grandchildren activities.
Actually, two full weekends.
First, it was the sweet dedication at church of our youngest granddaughter.
Then, it was a soccer game for our four year old and a quarter mile race for our kindergartner.

Our son asked us if we would like to be up in front with them at the dedication.
It was a privilege to have grandparents standing with parents as promises were made.
Promises to come alongside the parents as they raise this child to know and love the Lord.
Promises to teach this little one about Jesus when she is with us in our home as well.

The following weekend was filled with sports.
My husband and I kept remarking how this brought back so many memories.
So many weekends we sat on a soccer field, lacrosse field, or a track supporting our children.
My son remembered it as well and was struck by the passing of time.

To see little four year old boys and girls learn the basics of soccer was such a treat.
We watched our little granddaughter slowly kick the ball down into the goal as they practiced.
We watched one group wear pinnies over their shirts and be the “opposing” team.
We watched them help each other with no regard for “this” team or “that” team.

Every parent (and grandparent) cheered for all the children.
Every child got a high five from the coach, who just graduated from college.
Children thought nothing of leaving the field for a water break.
Children thought nothing about scoring or who was better than who.

The next day was a quarter mile race for our little kindergartner.
She loves to run and was excited to participate.
Each running group was separated by ages.
Her group had first graders in it as well.

Again, every parent cheered every child as they ran through the finish line.
There were no favorites.
The children ran with big smiles.
The children ran for the fun of it; nothing hindered their spirit.

I thought of a video I had just seen that intrigued me.
A study was done on the effects of praise on a child.
A group of children were given a task to complete.
One group was praised for their results, while the other group was praised for their efforts.

When asked to do the task again, the group praised for their results got a lower score.
The group who were praised for their efforts, did even better the second time.
I am NOT an advocate for everybody wins and everybody gets a prize.
However, at a young age, when skills are being learned, praise for effort is far better.

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.
(1 Thessalonians 5:11)

Praising for effort, for trying hard, for attempting to learn a new skill, reaps results.
That kind of praise encourages a child.
In all honesty, that kind of praise encourages adults as well.
Results, though important, are secondary to working together and finding joy in the work.

I saw this lived out in all of the grandchildren activities of which we were a part.
We were there to support and encourage, whether the ball went in the goal or not.
We were there to cheer whether the runner was the first one to cross the finish line or the last.
We were there and it mattered.

Each grandchild, expressed their excitement when they saw us walking towards them.
We were their people.
We came to support them simply because we love them.
The outcome didn’t matter; they showed up and so did we.

What a blessing.

Whispers of His Movement and Whispers in Verse books are now available in paperback and e-book!

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