
Bought Back People

Posted in Salvation | 2 Comments

I am so glad that I saved most of my children’s toys.
They are still in great shape.
They have been well loved and well used.
They are now the toys of the next generation.

My grown children are nostalgic when they see certain toys come out again.
There is the bin that has all the little figures from Happy Meals back in the day.
Muppets, Fraggles, Sesame Street characters, and Berenstain Bears.
Winnie the Pooh, Princesses, Little Bear, and even Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe figures.

The toys are now in other little hands.
They are now the main characters in new imaginative stories.
When I go to my large sale twice a year, I always look for vintage toys.
Many toys that we currently have would be placed in the vintage category.

Years ago, there was the opportunity to donate toys to children.
I told my children about the opportunity.
There was no pressure to donate; I wanted the donation to be from their heart.
My oldest son decided to part with Frankie’s garage.

Frankie’s garage was his name for this particular toy.
It was actually a Playskool garage, complete with a car, a few tools, and basketball hoop.
There was a trash chute for the bag of trash, a push mower, and Frankie himself.
Frankie worked hard in his garage and even had a hammock on which to rest.

My son played with this garage all the time.
However, as he got older, he played with it less and less.
Other interests became more important.
It sat on the floor of his room.

He wanted to donate Frankie’s garage to some other boy who would enjoy it.
Are you sure? I remember asking him.
I’m sure, he said firmly.
I remember when I put it in the back of the mini van, he came running outside.

I was certain he had changed his mind.
Mom, I forgot that I left something in the garage.
He reached inside, and tucked away in the rafters, was a squishy ball that looked like a globe.
There was also a small figure that he stuck up there as well.

He was fine about the garage donation, but wanted those two things he tucked inside.
Are you sure? I asked again.
Yes, he said as he went back in the house.
I considered taking the garage out of the van and putting it down the basement.

I didn’t want to undermine his kindness, so I closed the mini van door.
When I arrived at the place where donations were to be left, a woman came out to help me.
She saw the garage in such great condition.
You’re giving THIS away? She asked in surprise.

Yes, my son wants to donate it, I said, still second guessing.
Someone is going to love this, she said and I knew that she was right.
Nothing more was said when I got home.
My son never seemed to regret his decision.

Years later, eBay came along.
There were things I found for me: a vintage Waltons lunch box and vintage Waltons truck.
Should I look for it? Would it even be there?
I knew I couldn’t look for Frankie’s Garage, but was not sure of it’s real name?

After searching, I found it.
I was able to purchase it.
I remember the day it came, still in the original box.
I took a picture and sent it to my family.

I remember…
Is there a squishy ball that looks like a globe inside?
Was the little toy figure tucked up in the rafters?
Does it have the basketball hoop?

It was the best purchase I ever made.
I respected my son’s wishes and never undermined his generosity.
Enough time had passed that finding it again seemed appropriate.
Everyone was so glad I did.

There have been other toys that I bought back.
Yes, I am teased by my children.
Mom think of all the money you would save if you never gave away that toy.
They are right, but there is something wonderful about finding it and buying it back again.

Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body. (1 Corinthians 6:19,20)

We are a bought back people.
God the Father sent His Son, Jesus, to be born of a virgin.
Jesus lived a sinless life, died on the cross as a spotless Lamb, and rose from the dead.
Jesus ascended to the right hand of the Father and intercedes for us; He will come back again.

The enemy of our souls would love nothing more than to discard us, never to be seen again.
But God…
God had a plan from all eternity to buy back His people with the precious blood of His Son.
It costs us nothing, but cost Him everything.

I have spent money buying back some vintage toys.
But the joy, the satisfaction of having them in our possession again, is so worth it.
Can you imagine the Father’s joy?
He bought us back with the priceless blood of His one and only Son.

In Christ, we are a bought back people.
Remember and rejoice!


Whispers of His Movement and Whispers in Verse books are now available in paperback and e-book!

2 responses to “Bought Back People”

  1. Such a great reminder–we have such confidence and comfort knowing our Father has loved us so much.

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