
The Masterpiece

Posted in Worship | 2 Comments

Three young boys were at my house last week.
They are all brothers.
There is one more brother who was not there since he had sports after school.
It is impossible to be two places at one time so that is why I was called.

These boys have spent quite a bit of time in our house.
Our house is home away from home to them.
As they get older in their elementary school years, they are involved in activities after school.
They swim and play lacrosse, which keeps them and their parents very busy.

I was glad to help their mom.
I had not seen them all together for a while.
I was delighted that they would spend the afternoon in our home.
I was glad that they would be having dinner with us.

I picked them up from school at the request of their mom.
I waited in the car line until they were dismissed to me.
The older one of the three called, Shotgun, and sat in the front next to me.
We talked all the way home.

I pulled into the garage, unlocked the door, and came inside.
The boys followed me with their backpacks and jackets.
The older one came in with his brothers behind him.
It smells so good in here, just like I remember, he said.

His comment made me smile.
Can I walk around? He asked.
You sure can, I answered and his brothers followed.
The youngest one went right down the basement because he knows that is where the toys are.

The other two walked all around downstairs and then went upstairs.
They know that a grandbaby is coming soon.
They wanted to see the crib and all the baby things upstairs.
I heard their footsteps and knew where they were as I was getting their snacks.

They came downstairs and sat at the island, talking to me as they ate.
One drank water, one drank orange juice, and one drank milk.
One had an apple and two had popcorn.
All of them talked for quite a while.

I have watched these boys grow up before my eyes.
They are good boys.
Despite the fact that they all play sports, they each have other gifts.
Those unique gifts are always what I try to encourage.

Of the three boys who were at my house, the older one is very artistic.
The middle one is quite good at chess.
The younger one wanted to tell me all about the book he read on Abraham Lincoln.
I felt like someone rewound a tape because the memories were so vivid of my own children.

The older brother decided to go down the basement to see what his youngest brother was doing.
I was starting to get dinner ready.
He came up and stood beside me.
You still have this, he said amazed.

Of course I do; you made it for me, I said.
You really like it? He asked.
I sure do! I said enthusiastically.
I thought you would have hung it up in one of your rooms, he said without missing a beat.

This young boy painted a picture on canvas for my birthday in July.
When he gave it to me, I told him to put it in the dining room on the seat of an old school desk.
The painting of a red barn stayed there for quite a while.
When fall decorating came and Christmas decorating took precedence, the canvas was moved.

One part of our basement is finished.
That is where his canvas was kept after it was moved from the dining room.
He seemed surprised that I still had his gift.
He was not shy about asking why it was not in a more prominent place.

He put it back on the seat of the old school desk in the dining room.
He seemed quite pleased that it was back where it belonged.
He asked me why I kept it.
I kept it because it is from you and you made it for me, I told him in no uncertain terms.

He went back to his homework; his books were out on the kitchen island.
I turned my back on him to continue making dinner.
He couldn’t see me smiling.
He had no idea that his canvas reminded me of a Max Lucado quote.

If God had a refrigerator, your picture would be on it. If He had a wallet, your photo would be in it. He sends you flowers every spring and a sunrise every morning… Face it, friend. He is crazy about you!

God gives us gifts to use so that we can bless others and glorify Him.
God is so pleased when we use the gifts He gave us.
Those gifts, used well, are a double blessing.
First to the recipient and then to God our Father, the Giver of all good gifts.

A mother cannot possibly save every piece of artwork her child makes for her.
It is impossible to save every card, note, or picture that is given.
But God can.
God receives even the smallest thing we do in His name and treasures it.

I kept it because it is from you and you made it for Me.

We do not do things for God to make a name for ourselves.
We do things for God to make a name for Him.
We do not do things for God to make ourselves known.
We do things for God to make Him known.

We are God’s Masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. (Ephesians 2:10)

We are like that wonderful canvas I received as a gift.
We are displayed for God’s splendor.
We are not forgotten or tossed aside.
We are special because God made us.



Whispers of His Movement and Whispers in Verse books are now available in paperback and e-book!


2 responses to “The Masterpiece”

  1. Another God-given talent! Reminds me of my great-grandson Nicco! I love encouraging kids in their special talents. I remember years ago a school music director said, “Every child has a special talent, even if it is just playing marbles” Hope this youngster will keep up the good work and remember that God gave him this talent.

    • Sue,
      I hope so, too! Perhaps knowing that his artwork matters will spur him on to create more. I now that his gift blessed me.

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