
The Hummer And The Skeptic

Posted in Christmas | 2 Comments

I waited in the customer service line at Walmart.
I had a quick return.
I am finding that this time of year, patience is indeed a virtue.
During those times of waiting, people watching fascinates me.

I was in my own little world of thought when he came rushing up in front of me.
I’m not going ahead of you; it’s just that he needed to do a price check, he said pointing.
See, that’s my item up there on the counter so I’m not going ahead of you, he said again.
I never asked for an explanation but he insisted on giving me one.

You would think they would have more people, he grumbled.
It’s always like this every time I come in, he said in annoyance.
And this time of year doesn’t help, he added with emphasis.
Jolly this and jolly that; yeah, right! He said sarcastically.

I bet you like Christmas, he said expecting me to answer.
I really do, I said.
I don’t see how, I mean it’s all about the stuff anyway, he remarked.
It is not about the stuff; it is about the Child, I began to say but got cut off.

Before I could finish, it was the man’s turn.
He went forward in the same whirlwind with which he came.
He reminded me of an energizer bunny.
Everything about him was loud and frantic.

He said much of the same things to the employee who just went about his business.
I wondered how many people had already heard these things and how many more would hear.
I waited my turn far back from the counter.
I approached the counter when I was called.

While the man said what seemed to be a prepared speech, the young man hummed.
I did not recognize the tune.
He hummed as he worked efficiently.
He hummed after he motioned me to step forward.

He began to process my simple return.
He continued to hum.
Do you realize that you are humming? I asked him as he looked up at me.
Please don’t stop; it sounds nice, I added making sure he knew that I meant it.

I didn’t even know I was doing it, he admitted with a smile.
I always have music in my head, he said, and I guess it just has to come out.
As long as it’s not Christmas music,
he added with a serious face.
I can’t stand Christmas music, he said emphatically.

It’s all about the tinsel and the bells and the tacky ornaments, he said as his voice trailed off.
No, it really isn’t about any of that, I said.
It is about Hope; Hope that we have in a Child who was born that day, I said quickly.
I wanted to say more; how I wanted to say more.

The line was long behind me.
He finished my simple transaction.
He began to hum again.
I did not recognize the song.

I prayed for him as I walked to my car.
How I want to go back there during the Christmas season and hear him humming Christmas.
How I want to hear him humming a song that tells of the Incarnation.
How I want him to know that Christmas is not about tacky ornaments and worldly things.

Why would God give me that opportunity twice?
Why would He give me mere moments to say something that may point another to Him?
Doesn’t God know that I needed more time?
Doesn’t God know that my words probably fell on deaf ears?

God knows.
That’s the way He planned it.
It’s not about my words.
It’s not about the amount of time I have to explain the true meaning of Christmas with someone.

It is about being there.
It is about being open to speak the words the Holy Spirit laid on my heart at that moment.
The first man was to hear the word, Child.
The second young man was to hear the word, Hope.

Our job is to be faithful.
It is God that enables the seeds we plant to grow and produce fruit.
It is God’s work.
When we really know that truth in our hearts, it is so incredibly freeing.

I had one more stop to make on the way home.
I went to the store with the bulls-eye.
At the register, I inserted the chip of my charge card into the machine.
After all the prompts, a sound told me to remove my card.

The sound was different.
The sound was softer.
A new sound, I said to the cashier.
Yeah, people were complaining about the old one, she admitted.

People complained? I asked, a bit surprised.
They just didn’t like the sound, she explained.
She bagged my things.
I got my receipt and left the store.

They just didn’t like the sound.
Everything that happened that day came full circle.
Some people just do not like the sounds of Christmas, whether it is the songs or the Story.
The Story sounds like nails on a chalkboard to some.

For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. To the one we are the smell of death; to the other the fragrance of life.
(2 Corinthians 2:15,16)

No matter, we have to keep telling the Story.
Even if we are given mere moments.
Even if we think the words we say will fall on deaf ears.
We are still to speak them with joy.

Some people will be changed by the words God has given us to speak.
Some people will not like the sound of those words at all.
Their response is up to God.
Our job is to make sure they hear the sounds of Christmas.

Whispers of His Movement and Whispers in Verse books are now available in paperback and e-book!

2 responses to “The Hummer And The Skeptic”

  1. I love this so much, Dear Gina. Yesterday I was reading in 1 Peter 3, and it was talking about how we should live in the family of God (after it was telling wives to respect their husbands and how we should conduct ourselves — a passage that all of us wives who profess to follow Jesus should memorize and live it out with excitement, whether or not our husband is a believer! but I digress -). Anyhow, it is so familiar, and I was reading along in the chapter when I came to this instruction:
    9 “Do not do wrong to repay a wrong, and do not insult to repay an insult. But repay with a blessing, because you yourselves were called to do this so that you might receive a blessing.” That seemed to jump out at me because of a situation that Youngest Daughter faces in her work place. But as I continued on, I was even more convicted about how this applies to this old Delaware Grammy. It said:
    15 “But respect Christ as the holy Lord in your hearts. Always be ready to answer everyone who asks you to explain about the hope you have, 16 but answer in a gentle way and with respect. Keep a clear conscience so that those who speak evil of your good life in Christ will be made ashamed.” I am often troubled by people who are so militant in shoving doctrine down people’s throats and who are so unattractive and condemning in their manners. It’s no wonder that people aren’t attracted to Jesus. But I have been frequently challenged by the opportunities that you have — and by the way that Jesus shines through to people who need a word or two of help or encouragement or even clarity. And it’s because you have put this into practice, dear friend. You answer in a gentle way, and with respect. People do not feel like you are condemning them, and they don’t find you abrasive. You are not wishy-washy, nor are you a “yes person,” but you have been given an incredible gift from the Father – that of hearing the Whispers of His Movement, and translating those whispers into gentle encounters that speak hope and JESUS to people and it draws people in and makes them want to be better people, makes them want to know a “reason for the hope that is within you.” I’m so grateful for your stories. They make me more aware of my world and where I can share Jesus to people that I rub shoulders with. It’s been a ridiculously busy year, and these last few weeks have been really exciting – but full. Daniel is retiring next month and our already full December is taking on some extra important events. But the truth is, Christmas, viewed from any other perspective than The CHILD is going to be nothing but an empty, futile rat race, so it really does behoove all of God’s Children to get this RIGHT! And I appreciate your fine reminder today. Blessings to you and yours in this happy season.

    • Oh, Mary Ann, how your words encouraged me this morning. My prayer is that I represent Him well. That is my heart cry. Thank you for affirming that my heart cry is being heard by our Father. Congratulations, sweet friend, on the birth of another grandchild. She is beautiful! God willing, the New Year will finally be the time for our cup of tea!

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