
Mystery Reader

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The email invitation came again this year.
It was sent by my daughter who teaches second grade.
It had two words on the subject line: MYSTERY READER.
I was actually excited when I saw the email in my Inbox.

My daughter invites parents to come to her classroom quite often.
She has Poetry Day, where each child has to memorize and recite a poem.
She has a mother/child picnic and a father/child kickball game.
She has many celebrations around the holidays.

The parents seem to appreciate being able to come in and support their child.
Sometimes, even grandparents will come.
The best classroom is a cooperative classroom.
In that kind of environment, there is a wonderful relationship between school and home.

My daughter invites Mystery Readers to come in to read to the children.
When the invitation arrive, parents who are able to come in on that day sign up.
My daughter has always included me on the invitation.
I absolutely love to participate in this special event.

There are ten minute time slots throughout the morning and afternoon.
The parents are asked to arrive about five minutes before their scheduled time slot.
The parents are asked to remain in the hallway outside the classroom until they are called.
As we stand there, we can hear the reader ahead of us as they read to the children.

In order for a Mystery Reader to come to the classroom, three clues must be given.
My daughter reads those clues to her class, to see if they can guess their identity.
Once the children make some guesses, my daughter opens the door.
Come in, she says to the waiting Mystery Reader, as the children’s excitement grows.

Sometimes, the children are able to guess the Mystery Reader.
Sometimes, their identity is not revealed until the reader walks into the classroom.
The children do not know when their own parent is coming in to read.
Seeing the excitement on their faces is priceless.

I will be one of the Mystery Readers in a few days.
I had to give my three clues.
I have to be clever enough yet simple enough to get them thinking.
Only a few times in past years has the class guessed me ahead of time.

I sent my clues in an email response.
I have five children.
My daughter is in this class.
I like to write stories.

I thought the clues would get the children thinking.
Only time will tell if they are able to guess my identity.
I love to see their reaction when I walk into the classroom.
This is MY Mom, my daughter will say.

I remember one year, my daughter asked her class, Do we look alike?
Actually, my daughters and I all look alike.
No! They said emphatically.
You don’t have gray hair, they said as I tried to stifle a giggle.

You sound the same, one little girl said.
Her observation was quite perceptive.
My husband was notorious for getting each of us wrong on the phone when he would call home.
My girls and I do sound the same.

The Mystery Reader gets to sit in the wicker rocking chair that belongs to my daughter.
All of the children sit on the multi-colored carpet at the reader’s feet.
They sit as close as they possibly can, with their eyes wide.
They are excited to see the book the Mystery Reader has chosen.

I used to read all the time to my children.
Reading was our favorite thing to do.
We have books everywhere in our house.
On the bridge, that overlooks our family room, we have our children’s library.

I went up on the bridge to find a book to read to the class.
Any book that I pulled off one of the three large shelves would be wonderful.
I knew that a Fall theme would be nice for this time of year.
I wanted the story to be engaging and captivate their imagination.

I pulled six books off the shelves.
I will narrow it down to the one I choose after I reread each of them.
Every book brought me back to our reading time when my children were little.
I could see them all around me on the sofa as I read to them.

Some books still have their names written on the inside cover.
If there was a name in the book then it must have been brought to school for a reason.
In their young child’s handwriting, they proudly wrote their name.
What precious memories each book brought to mind.

Even though I am only in the classroom for a short time, that is time enough to impact a child.
Perhaps in my tone, they will hear what a lover of books sounds like.
Perhaps in my demeanor, they will see that reading is exciting.
Perhaps in my smile, they will see that reading is something I did with my own children.

Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written. (John 21:25)

Tucked in the end of John’s Gospel, we are reminded of the many things Jesus did.
John wrote down some of those things in his Gospel.
He makes the point that there would not be enough room for all Jesus did to be written down.
God has enshrined the things in His Word that He wants us to know.

I would encourage every mother and father to read to their children.
Read to your children and grandchildren a lot.
Read books to them instead of resorting to television.
Keep their minds engaged and their imaginations vivid as you choose good books.

One important Book must be included in your daily reading.
Read God’s Word to your children each day.
Allow the characters and events to sink deep into their hearts.
Read to them over and over how very much God loves them.

Reading horizontal books of all genres is important in the education of our children.
Vertical reading of God’s Word is vital to the spiritual growth of our children.
Book have an important place in their development.
Only one will show them who they are, why God made them, and how much He loves them.

Once the pages of the Bible are opened and reading has begun, the mystery unfolds.
They will know why they are valuable, how very much they are loved, and how they are to live.
Horizontal reading is necessary so their imaginations will flourish.
Vertical reading is necessary for their spiritual growth.

Read the Bible aloud to your children.
Cuddling up with your children as you read a book is the most wonderful thing in the world.
Make sure one Book is always on your list.
God’s Word tells of the Greatest Story ever told and the best Story to share with others.

Whispers of His Movement and Whispers in Verse books are now available in paperback and e-book!


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