
Where Did They Go?

Posted in Holy Week | 2 Comments

I sat in church a few Sundays ago and witnessed a baptism.
What joy when someone comes to faith in the Lord Jesus and makes a public testimony.
What a privilege to witness their obedience to the Lord Jesus and be baptized in His name.
To be buried with Him in His death and be raised with Him to new life.

The baptismal pool is in the front of our church.
It is under the wooden cross.
The pool itself is behind a low wall.
The person being baptized is seen from the waist up by any of us sitting in the congregation.

To most of us, that is not a problem.
We know that the person is standing in water with the pastor beside them.
However, a young child, can only see what they actually see in front of them.
They do not have the ability to finish the picture and truly understand what they don’t see.

One of my granddaughters will be four years old in May.
When she was almost three years old, she came to church with us and the rest of the family.
Our family took up an entire row.
Four grandchildren were with us and one was still in her mama’s belly.

The service was long that day because quite a few people were being baptized.
My little granddaughter was sitting down the row with her mama.
I heard rustling and watched my daughter-in-love lift my little granddaughter in her arms.
They quickly left our row as I heard beginning whimpers.

I had no idea what had happened but knew I would find out soon enough.
When the service was over, they returned.
My daughter-in-love explained the problem.
She got so scared because the people disappeared.

I wanted to sweep her up in my arms, hug her, and tell her that she was safe.
Her mama consoled her and listened well to her little heart.
She saw them disappear and then come back again.
With the half wall, there was no way to see the actual water as the person was immersed.

We left the church in multiple cars, since there was so many of us.
This precious little one drove with us and her mama in our car.
All the way home, she talked about the people going away.
Where did they go? She kept asking.

Her mama explained that they were being baptized, in a way that a little one could understand.
My granddaughter repeated the explanation so sweetly.
It was the first thing she told her daddy when he came home from playing drums at church.
None of us ever anticipated that kind of response to something we see and understand.

But do we understand?
Do we really?
Do we know what it means to be buried with Him in His death?
Do we know what it means to be raised with Him in His resurrection?

There is nothing special about the actual water in which the people were submerged.
Nothing magical happens when they go under the water and come up again.
But something does happen that we don’t fully understand.
Something happens when, by faith, when we come to Jesus as our Savior and Lord.

We trust in Jesus alone for salvation.
Nothing we can ever do on our own, no good works, will make us right with a holy God.
Jesus, the spotless Lamb, who was without sin, died on the cross.
Jesus took the punishment that was intended for us and He died in our place.

Looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. (Hebrews 12:2)

When we come to faith in the Lord Jesus, we want to go and tell.
The best way to tell is to testify to others what has happened in your own life.
Tell others what He has done for you.
Tell others the Good News of your salvation.

Then, the only response is to obey His command to be baptized.
Going under the water of baptism, you die to your old way of life.
Rising up out of the water, you are raised with Him in newness of life.
It is a beautiful thing to watch; but perhaps a bit disconcerting when you are almost three.

Where did they go?
Where indeed?
Where did the old life go and the new life come?
In Christ, by faith, we are made new.

Can you answer the question my granddaughter asked?
Where did the old you go?
Have you trusted in Jesus alone and His finished work on the cross for your salvation?
Have you been buried with him in His death and raised with Him in His resurrection?

Holy Week is upon us.
Good Friday, when the Son of God died and was buried.
Holy Saturday, when silence was kept.
Easter Sunday, when Jesus rose from the grave because death could not hold Him.

I think about my granddaughter’s reaction that day.
It is difficult to understand something you can’t see.
You need someone to tell you what happened between Friday and Sunday.
Where did He go?

He is at the right hand of the Father, interceding for us.
He is risen!
He is risen indeed!

Whispers of His Movement and Whispers in Verse books are now available in paperback and e-book!


2 responses to “Where Did They Go?”

  1. Gina,
    What a precious moment for you with your granddaughter. He is risen indeed thanks be to God.

    • Carol,
      I think about my granddaughter’s reaction every time I look towards the baptismal pool at church. It makes me pause and remember and praise my Lord Jesus for all He has done. He is risen indeed. Hallelujah!

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