
9 Years

Posted in Uncategorized | 4 Comments

Today, I have been publishing Whispers of His Movement for 9 years.
Never did I think, when the first Whisper was published, that I would publish 2,163 blog posts.
God’s grace is the only reason Whispers go out into the world.
It is because of Him that I see, and hear, and know He is worthy of every word.

Thank you for following these Whispers for this length of time.
Thank you to the One who makes it possible.
God willing, more ideas will continue to come.
God willing, more readers will know Him as they listen to Him Whisper.

Whispers of His Movement and Whispers in Verse books are now available in paperback and e-book!

4 responses to “9 Years”

  1. Thank you, Gina, for letting God speak through you–I have been so blessed by your Whispers and know so many others have been too. God bless you!

    • Sue,
      Your encouragement blesses me more than you can imagine.
      I am so thankful that these Whispers bless you.

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